International UFO Sightings

For now, I am featuring this interesting case where a Maltese emigrant to Australia had a UFO land near his house for repairs (?), to collect a sample of soil (?), and what seems to be an example of communication between UFOs. If any Australian researchers out there are interested, I am looking for more details about this case and I would be grateful for any help.

Other interesting international cases are also being featured on this page. If you have any cases that you want to feature and you don't have a web page, I'd be happy to put them on this page! Contact me at referring to this page.

15 April 1967

Witnesses : Anthony Zammit

Location : Australia (exact location unknown)

Object : Egg shaped from a distance. "Like an up-turned hat" from close

Sound : None

Notes : Mr Zammit, a Maltese emigrant, saw several egg shaped objects in the distance. One of the objects moved closer and lowered itself to the ground near Mr Zammit's house. A large hole opened on its underside and three landing struts emerged. On landing, a glowing tube was lowered. In the meantime another object passed over Mr Zammit's house and seemed to be signalling to the grounded UFO by changing its light intensity. The landed UFO suddenly retracted its gear, and both UFOs shot up and disappeared.

The next morning, Mr Zammit thought he had dreamt the entire episode. However, on visiting the landing place, he found a piece of wax-like glass, which rang like metal when struck. Since then Mr Zammit returned to Malta but he has has lost this strange item.

Date : Unknown

This very interesting UFO photograph was given to me by Mr Francis Darmanin, of Sliema who had been given this photograph by his friend, a Mr Siegfrid Lawrenz (Germany). I have been unable to contact Mr Lawrenz at his last known address, so, Mr Lawrenz, if you read this please contact me. This photograph was supposedly taken in ex-Yugoslavia a number of years ago but I do not know any further details. If anyone recognizes the building in the photograph e-mail me with any info you may have.

The Original Photo Close-up of UFO

Photo : The original photo. Photo : A close-up of the UFO.

New information on this photo has just come in

A while back I recieved some info from Bruno Lombardino that suggested that the above photo may have been a photomontage due to a "cut and paste" effect along the edges of the building shown. However, Bruno contacted me again today (27 June, 1996) saying that this "cut and paste" effect was a result of the JPEG compression method! In fact, when the photo was rescanned and saved as a .tif or .pcx file, this apparent evidence of tampering with the photo disappeared!

Therefore the photo seems to be authentic until any new evidence to the contrary is discovered.

Click here for more international UFO photos!

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